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We are pleased to present below all posts archived in 'December 2024'. If you still can't find what you are looking for, try using the search box.
ATTY Financial, a cutting-edge financial platform designed specifically for solo practitioners and small law firms, today announced its launch in partnership with First Bankers Trust Company, N.A. (First Bankers Trust). This new venture, ATTY Financial, is uniquely positioned to transform how attorneys manage their firm finances and trust accounts. Powered by the banking expertise of First Bankers Trust Company, this solution addresses the growing need for tailored banking and financial services in the legal industry.
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Your privacy is very important to us. We would like to advise you that Internet email is not a secure method of communication. Please do not submit any information that you consider confidential. We recommend you do not include any specific identifying information such as your social security, account, PIN numbers, date of birth, etc...