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Security Awareness

Account Safety Tips

CyberSecurity Tips

How do we get Spammed and Phished?

Read More about spam and phishing >>

Phishing and Social Engineering

Read More about phishing and social engineering >>

Recommendations for online safety

The protection of your private information is important to us. We will do our part to secure our systems but that is only half of the equation – we need your help too! Below are tips for improving your online security habits. Read More >>

Suspicious Phone Call or Voice Message

If you receive a message or call claiming your debit card has been compromised, simply delete the number and do not respond to it. Also, do not give out any personal information. FBTC will never ask for private information such as your Social Security number, PIN, card or account number, or password via emails, text messages or automated phone calls. If you gave your card or account information to anyone, please contact us at 217-228-8000 or 877-228-8001.

Suspicious Text Message

If you receive a text message indicating fraudulent activity on your credit card, debit card, or other account please do not reply to the text or call the number. FBTC will not request information from you in such a manner. If you gave your card or account information to anyone, please contact us at 217-228-8000 or 877-228-8001.

Debit Card Safety Tips

Read More about debit card safety tips >>

Minimizing Risk

Before revealing any personal identification information, find out how it will be used and whether it will be shared with others. Don’t divulge unnecessary information.

  • Pay attention to billing cycles. Follow up with creditors if bills do not arrive on time.
  • Deposit outgoing mail at the post office.
  • Limit identifying information and credit cards carried to those necessary.
  • Do not give out personal information via phone, mail or over the internet to undisclosed sources.
  • Request a copy of your credit report annually from any one of the three major credit bureaus for review.

EMV Chip Enabled Debit Card - this short video will explain how to use this type of debit/ATM card.

Password Re-use

Are you using the same password on LinkedIn that you use to access online banking systems? Is your Facebook password eerily similar to the password you use to access your investment site? Password re-use is rampant and it’s no wonder – we have so many to remember at home and at work.

It is recommended to use strong passwords that are changed frequently. Also, avoid using the same user ID and password across multiple sites and applications. For example, if you are exposed to spyware or Yahoo has a breach that exposes your credentials, those credentials are going to be tried on other popular sites; Facebook, eBay, PayPal, American Express, etc. The goal is to exploit personally identifiable information or obtain access to financial related credentials.

Since we can’t always avoid being compromised and losing our credentials, we have to do what we can to slow the hacking process down and reduce the risk. If you feel your credentials have been compromised, FBTC is available to assist with disabling your online access and resetting your online banking password.

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Unsecure Email Disclosure

Your privacy is very important to us. We would like to advise you that Internet email is not a secure method of communication. Please do not submit any information that you consider confidential. We recommend you do not include any specific identifying information such as your social security, account, PIN numbers, date of birth, etc...
