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Agricultural Loans

At First Bankers Trust, we realize the value of agriculture. It is the heart of our nation's existence, and we are proud to be able to play a part in this very vital aspect of our communities. Our ag lending experts are here to make sure that you receive the right type of financing whether it is for farm equipment, livestock, or to buy or expand an existing operation. We want to help you and our communities grow.

We have a variety of agricultural loans and financing options available. Click on the links below to read about a few of our offerings. Please fill out the form below to be put in touch with a lending expert, and learn how we can help you.

Interested in an ag loan?

Talk to a Knowledgeable Lender at First Bankers Trust and learn more about how we can help.

Please do not provide confidential information.

Financing Options

Line of Credit

Whether you are a full-time or weekend farmer, we can provide the funds you need for production expenses conveniently and efficiently.

  • Competitive Interest Rates
  • Quick Access to Funds
  • Revolving funds save you money

Term Loan

Is it time to invest in new machinery for your farm operation? A term loan may be an option that is right for you.

  • Terms are based on expected use of the equipment
  • Repayment plans fit in with your cash flow stream
  • Competitive fixed or variable interest rates


Need a new building to store equipment and machinery? Look into a mortgage for your agricultural needs.

  • Fixed and variable rates for refinancing existing mortgages
  • Loan terms from 5 years to as high as 30 years
  • Annual, semi-annual, quarterly, or monthly to fit your needs

Agri-business Loans

Is your ag business expanding? Do you need help in handling daily cash flow of your business?

Business loans are made to an individual or legal entity engaged in farm related services for structures, equipment, and working capital.

Deposit accounts to help you with accounts payable and streamlining costs.

Secondary Market

Tired of dealing with the ups and downs of your variable interest rate. Receive a fixed interest rate in our secondary market.

First Bankers Trust Company is an approved lender/seller in the Farmer Mac I and II secondary loan market providing an alternative for farmers seeking a fixed rate of interest on their loan.

The Progressive Farmer


Our priority is to ensure our customers have an incredible banking experience. To do so, we now offer online payments for loans. Set up is simple, saves stamps, and automatic withdrawals ensure you never miss a payment. Learn more about online loan payments.

Connect With Us

Routing Number: 081200586

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